Sensory input in these writings is split into two separate categories: sensory input presently obtained, and sensory input obtained and stored from the past. Present sensory input is absorbed during the situation and is classified as a situational constraint. Situational constraints are considered ‘distraction’ and act as the parameter underlying this theory. The higher the level of distraction, the greater the absorbance of present sensory input. The lower the level of distraction, the more the brain utilizss previously obtained and stored sensory input.
Minimising current sensory input results in the capacity for idea generation unregulated by situational constraints. The brain instead draws upon past sensory input to stimulate ideas. Removal of this situational distraction allows the brain to focus and begin analysing its stored data. Influence can then be drawn with more clarity from the minds vast memory blank; a repository of sensory input with low relevance the moment it was obtained, hence neglected by the conscious mind.
An example of these notions would be night. The brain is no longer concerned by activity of the daytime. Darkness blankets the earth, enshrouding vision. The inhabitant has less anticipation that they will be interrupted by another. All these transformations lead to changes in consciousness; the removal of these aspects of distraction results in de-regulated thought, and a greater influence of the unconscious mind. The thought process becomes less concerned with obtaining and analysing current sensory input, and instead begins exploring the far reaches of already obtained data from the memory bank. Dreams can also be considered a result and testament to the result of this night period change in consciousness, ultimately due to removal of distraction.
These theories are not expected to be realised or understood by the inhabitant; rather they are additional considerations for the design solution, in most cases operating above the awareness threshold.
The theory exists within architecture as a juxtaposition between two primary languages. One dedicated to the influence of present sense data, and one dedicated to its absence. These languages flow through the building, complimenting program types partially responsible for the theory behind their practice. Juxtaposition between the two languages allows for a range of potential connection sequences with different affect.
Distraction Theory
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Asmayadinata Muljadi Putera