The purpose of a library is to strengthen knowledge, but the purpose of knowledge is to influence idea generation. With this notion in mind, idea generation became the primary objective, and notions of the conscious and unconscious mind - explored by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung - were adopted to focus on unregulated thought processess.
The asumption that idea generation is established on a framework of influences identified a target subject for manipulation. Through disbanding situational constraints established by sensory imput, the hypothesis was that un regulated thought processes could be achieved. These facilitate idea generation not through influnce of current surroundings, but from influences stored deep within the unconscious. Without current situational influences, the brain would hence resort to utilizing its memory bank to generate ideas.
It was concluded that the presence of the unconscious mind correlated with the individuals level of distraction; removal of this distraction could then allow an increase in it's presence. Situations were designed to achieve this intention, carefully designed and curated.
Railway Square Library
Design: Performance
Project Partners:
Danyon Torpy
Jassinta Fong
Weiwei Liu